Based on the experiments, YJB-2 basic micro-carbon covering agent for mid-ladle is developed, which satisfies the continuous casting production requirement for special steel in No.2 steel plant. 在多次试验研究的基础上开发出了YJB&2碱性微碳中间包覆盖剂满足了二钢连铸生产品种钢的需要。
Insurance policy or certificate in assignable form and blank endorsed, covering all risks, for110 percent of cif-value, marked-premium agent in Germany responsible for survey and claim settlement. 以可转让形式的保单或其证明,空白背书,投一切险,以cif价值的110%投保,注明由德国的保险代理进行调查及索赔。
Improvement of Riser Feeding Efficiency by New Type Riser Covering Agent 使用新型冒口覆盖剂提高冒口补缩效果
The results showed that the preparation of TiCp/ Fe in situ composite by covering agent was a reliable melting technique in industrial production and this was very importance to industrial production. 结果表明:熔体覆盖剂保护熔炼制备原位TiCp/Fe复合材料在工业化生产中是可行的熔炼技术,对指导工业化生产有着非常的实际意义;
Research and development of the covering agent in basic mould 碱性中包覆盖剂的研制
Covering in winter, spreading manure and spraying drought relief agent increased yield by 27%~ 34%; 冬盖多施肥并喷施抗旱剂,比对照田增产27%~34%;
Laboratory study of the basic tundish covering agent for continuous casting 连铸碱性中间包覆盖剂的实验室研究
Oil of Bay The Covering of Inorganic Suspension Agent of Tricalcium Phosphate on Drop Surface 无机分散剂磷酸钙在油滴表面的覆盖情况
Covering with plastic film, crop straw and spraying drought relief agent increased yield by 38%; 二元覆盖(地膜、秸秆)兼喷施抗旱剂,比对照田增产38%左右。
This article expounds the formation, properties and the paving method of a newtype of liquid lead covering agent. 本文阐述了新型液铅覆盖剂的组成、性能及铺设方法。
Graphite Powder Covering Agent for Melting Copper and Its Alloys 紫铜及其合金熔炼的覆盖剂
Acid covering agent is not effective for decreasing carbon and absorbing impurity in liquid steel, which can not be satisfied with special steel requirement. 沿用酸性中间包覆盖剂对防止钢水增碳、吸咐钢液夹杂物方面效果不佳,不能满足冶炼品种钢需要。
The surface modification and covering treatment were conducted for zeolite by using silane coupler and dispersing agent. The dispersion of zeolite ultrafine particles in PET matrix was evaluated by SEM. The DF value of antibacterial masterbatch was 0. 187 MPa · cm2/ g. 采用硅烷偶联剂及分散剂对沸石进行了表面改性和包覆处理,通过扫描电镜照片分析,评价了超细沸石颗粒在PET基体中的分散性,其母粒的DF测试值为0.187MPa·cm2/g。
Talent strategy covering talent training and patent agent training; 包括人才培养策略、专利代理培养策略的知识产权人才策略;
The results showed that good quality bitter gourd juice could be produced by using 100mg/ kg zinc gluconate as color protecting agent and 1% β-cyclodextrin as bitterness covering agent. 结果表明,以鲜苦瓜为原料,用100mg/kg葡萄糖酸锌作为护色剂、1%β-环状糊精作为苦味包埋剂,可制得质量良好的苦瓜汁;
Exploitation of Liquid Steel Heat-Insulating Covering Agent in Ladle 钢包钢水保温覆盖剂的开发
Make Use of Liquid Lead Covering Agent 铅液覆盖剂的使用
Study of the Covering Agent for Lead-Zinc Galvanizing Process 铅-锌法热镀锌覆盖剂的研究
In-situ TiCp/ Fe composites were prepared by reaction cast method with induction heating, crucible smelting and covering agent. 采用反应铸造的方法,利用感应加热、坩锅熔炼及使用覆盖剂保护,制备原位TiCp/Fe复合材料。
Property and Affected Theory of New Type of Liquid Lead Covering Agent 新型液铅覆盖剂性能及作用原理
And the new covering agent has a strong cover effect. 新型覆盖剂具有较强的覆盖效果。
Using LiCl+ LiF salts as covering agent when melting the alloy could obtain good protective effect. ( 2) The homogenization treatment of Mg-Li alloy was studied. 确定采用LiCl+LiF的盐类作为合金熔炼时的覆盖剂,可以获得良好的保护效果。(2)对Mg-Li合金的均匀化处理工艺进行了研究。